ear and the engaging and innovative education opportunities ahead.
ear and the engaging and innovative education opportunities ahead.
A virtual Parent Information Event The Learner Profile is the IB Mission Statement translated into behavior outcomes, as separate actionable attributes, to enable us all to better understand what we can do to become internationally-minded learners. The ten attributes, or character traits, are values for a lifelong continuum of thinking,…
This year we introduced a new framework for our PYP students: Design thinking. Our students engage with Design Thinking principles on a daily basis across the transdisciplinary curriculum, both during the dedicated Genius Hour time and especially during their Units of Inquiry. “Articulating a model or framework for the process…
As one of the most popular (67,357,367 views on his first TED talk) and influential thinker has passed I wanted to take this opportunity and make connections between Primary Years Program Framework, creativity and pragmatism. “The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in…
Learn about what Coffee Mornings are at ISM.
New Academic Year at ISM It is with great pleasure that I write this message to you all. I am very happy to be able to welcome so many new families into our Primary Years Programme, as I am happy to welcome all our returning families as well. Our Primary…
This past week I have been reflecting on my practice through the lens of our Principles of Learning and find connections with Jay McTighe‘s article: “Three Lessons for Teachers from Grant Wiggins” Common Understanding of Learning At ISM, we understand that learning is a lifelong, ongoing process. Learners develop understanding…
Using Digital tools to enhance and transform your classroom collaboration, empower the student dialogue, and transform communication within and outside of our classrooms. In the PYP Enhancements, we are now more aligned with the MYP and DP with our Transdisciplinary Skill Clusters and more explicit of how digital citizenship is…
WHAT ARE STUDENT LED CONFERENCES? End of each semester you will have an opportunity to participate in a conference led by your child. Throughout the semester, the students have developed a ortfolio that comprises samples of learning that they have selected as having an impact on their learning journey and of…
AKA Global Connections From the school to the world ISM logo includes a latin motto: Ab Schola Ad Mundum, from the school to the world, this highlights ISM’s dedication to the IB Learner Profile and Internationalism. Creating opportinities for our students to make local and global connections is a key…