Primary School Coffee Mornings

The Bavarian Hygiene and Safety regulations are continuing to keep our PYP team on our toes. We decided that we will embrace these rules as something that will keep us safe, therefore we will seek and enjoy every silver lining that presents itself. As you are aware Back to School…

5 ways you could support your child as a PYP parent – 5 Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihr Kind als PYP-Elternteil unterstützen könnten

The International Baccalaureate published an infographic recently based on a blog post by Taryn BondClegg (linked below). We wanted to share this with our learning community and today we have also made a German language version of the infographic. This infographic is based on a blog by Taryn BondClegg,Making Good…

The Primary Years Programme (PYP)

The   International   Baccalaureate   Primary   Years   Programme   (IB-PYP)   has   been specifically designed for students aged 3 – 11 years. This internationally recognized programme provides students with the opportunity to learn and explore through the use of inquiry, promoting an academically challenging curriculum which fosters international mindedness, making it the ideal curriculum…

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