I believe that each learner deserves a stimulating, intellectually challenging, caring and supportive environment in which to learn. I would describe myself as a constructivist, this term means many things to many people, but to me it means simply that knowledge and understanding cannot be transmitted between people; it must be constructed over time by each individual. It is my desire as an educator to offer all learners; students, teachers, and the whole learning community this environment. I will provide an environment that is conducive to learning by acting as a facilitator for the whole school.
An administrator acting as a facilitator, a mentor and a coach for the community of learners, provides the staff and students the opportunity to engage themselves fully in their education. Allowing each learner to make progress in their own learning through their own construction creates an opportunity for personal growth and deeper understandings; therefore I am not just a constructivist, but a social constructivist. In socio-constructivisttradition I understand the importance of peer mediated learning events as described by Vygotsky. I believe that by providing teachers and students the reigns to knowledge and guiding them towards the answers, I am offering the learners a chance to make their learning not just meaningful but also personal.
I believe that it is essential to the learning process that students be guided through the inquiry. By offering a great variety of different instructional methods aligned with individual needs will produce the best results. Differentiated instruction is indispensable to the quality of learning in a diverse multicultural classroom. Using a model to plan your inquiry like Kath Murdoch’s Inquiry Cycle will benefit the whole program in assuring a mutual understanding of the inquiry process As educators, we must not forget that we are teaching individuals with their own needs and different modalities of learning. Whether using Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory or De Bono’s thinking system; developing activities to offer authentic situations allows students to cultivate their own intrinsic motivation to learn is imperative.
Students can learn best when they are in an environment that is safe, respectful, and honors differences. When students are free to have their ideas and questions heard, they are more likely to take risks in the classroom. This also applies to the teaching staff. I believe in an open concept leadership. It provides an environment that is conducive for professional performance. By setting clear rules, goals, and establishing transparent criteria of expectations allows both staff and students to perform at their best. Communicating what is expected of all individuals will create an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation.
Inquiry-based education is my passion and I have come to realize its vital importance in this increasingly complex world. I feel that I offer unique perspectives and fresh ideas. I will always strive to be innovative and effective leader. Education is a collaborative effort that needs leadership and a strong vision. Co-operation among all participants is essential. A community is an essential extension of a school. Relationships between a school and its’ community, whether educational, entrepreneurial, co-operative or charitable, should not just be encouraged but pursued. My personal belief is that relationship between parents and school are essential. No one understands more than an educator how valuable parent involvement is in successfully educating a child. It is vital to keep parents, our partners, informed and actively engaged in their child’s education. This is achieved by an active communication and meaningful contacts from school.
Schools with a committed and skilled leadership team, that encourage a meaningful, common vision, can help students perceive learning as a lifelong journey. In doing so, a school must embrace their own mission statement and make it into a living document. I believe that students must be given the opportunity to maximize their potential and they should be inspired to do so. All children have the potential to attain greatness! The job of an educator is to harness a child’s abilities and set them free with the confidence and the necessary toolbox of strategies to succeed.