Developing a Collaborative Classroom

This post is in response to Tania’s amazing provocation and presentation. If you haven’t read that one yet, do yourself a favor and read it first. Tania asks a wonderfully engaging question What if? and I had to try to answer. The timing for this post was perfect for…

Building a Common Experience

PYP Evaluation During the PYP Evaluation cycle, there are many opportunities for self-assessment and reflection of one’s practice, understanding of the programme, and of course one’s pedagogical beliefs. One of the main tools for us to do that is the PYP Self Study Questionaire that enables us to build a common, communal,…

Making Global Connections

This past week I have been reflecting on my practice through the lens of our Principles of Learning and find connections with Jay McTighe‘s article: “Three Lessons for Teachers from Grant Wiggins” Common Understanding of Learning  At ISM, we understand that learning is a lifelong, ongoing process. Learners develop understanding…

Living our Mission Statement

School vision and mission statements should not be regarded as empty words. They can be useful – but it depends on what they include and how they’re used. Our mission statement is a strategic document to indicate the purpose and priorities of ISM. It makes a public statement about what…

Transform your classroom dialogue and communication

Using Digital tools to enhance and transform your classroom collaboration, empower the student dialogue, and transform communication within and outside of our classrooms. In the PYP Enhancements, we are now more aligned with the MYP and DP with our Transdisciplinary Skill Clusters and more explicit of how digital citizenship is…

Student Led Conferences

WHAT ARE STUDENT LED CONFERENCES? End of each semester you will have an opportunity to participate in a conference led by your child. Throughout the semester, the students have developed a ortfolio that comprises samples of learning that they have selected as having an impact on their learning journey and of…

Support Learner Agency with Digital Portfolios

Display, Showcase, or Best Works Portfolios Most effective portfolios also contain a reflective element, where the student has in some form contemplated her or his own strengths and weaknesses as a learner. Portfolios can be divided into two groups: process oriented or product oriented portfolios. Out of these two main…

Ab Schola Ad Mundum

AKA Global Connections From the school to the world ISM logo includes a latin motto: Ab Schola Ad Mundum, from the school to the world, this highlights ISM’s dedication to the IB Learner Profile and Internationalism. Creating opportinities for our students to make local and global connections is a key…

PYP Conferences

3-way conferences and student-led conferences A 3-way assessment provides a forum for teachers, students and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement. Both conferences are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals: to help students demonstrate evidence of learning to teach students the process of reflection and…

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