PYP Evaluation Report

Dear ISMainfranken learning community it is my pleasure to let you know that we have received our Evaluation report from the IB World Schools Department. ( if you are new to ISM, you may read more about our Evalution Process here and here.) IB Evaluation Process: An Opportunity for Growth…

Primary School Coffee Mornings

The Bavarian Hygiene and Safety regulations are continuing to keep our PYP team on our toes. We decided that we will embrace these rules as something that will keep us safe, therefore we will seek and enjoy every silver lining that presents itself. As you are aware Back to School…

5 ways you could support your child as a PYP parent – 5 Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihr Kind als PYP-Elternteil unterstützen könnten

The International Baccalaureate published an infographic recently based on a blog post by Taryn BondClegg (linked below). We wanted to share this with our learning community and today we have also made a German language version of the infographic. This infographic is based on a blog by Taryn BondClegg,Making Good…

Developing a Collaborative Classroom

This post is in response to Tania’s amazing provocation and presentation. If you haven’t read that one yet, do yourself a favor and read it first. Tania asks a wonderfully engaging question What if? and I had to try to answer. The timing for this post was perfect for…

Design Thinking in PYP and the Genius Hour – supporting Student Agency

This year we introduced a new framework for our PYP students: Design thinking. Our students engage with Design Thinking principles on a daily basis across the transdisciplinary curriculum, both during the dedicated Genius Hour time and especially during their Units of Inquiry. “Articulating a model or framework for the process…

Learning By Doing – Importance of Arts, Craft, and Design Thinking in Primary School

As one of the most popular (67,357,367 views on his first TED talk) and influential thinker has passed I wanted to take this opportunity and make connections between Primary Years Program Framework, creativity and pragmatism. “The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in…

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