How to talk to your children about conflict and war

A child can now be exposed to media content about the attack on Ukraine, see the worried faces of adults, or hear discussions about the situation. It is not always possible to protect children from scary media content and worrying world events, although it is good to try. Find out…

Living our Mission Statement

School vision and mission statements should not be regarded as empty words. They can be useful – but it depends on what they include and how they’re used. Our mission statement is a strategic document to indicate the purpose and priorities of ISM. It makes a public statement about what…

Support Learner Agency with Digital Portfolios

Display, Showcase, or Best Works Portfolios Most effective portfolios also contain a reflective element, where the student has in some form contemplated her or his own strengths and weaknesses as a learner. Portfolios can be divided into two groups: process oriented or product oriented portfolios. Out of these two main…

PYP Exhibition

What exactly is PYP Exhibition?  IBO defines the PYP Exhibition as part of the assessed curriculum as: The PYP Exhibition: encouraging in-depth, collaborative inquiry in addition in Exhibition guidelines As a culminating experience it is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile that have…

PYP Conferences

3-way conferences and student-led conferences A 3-way assessment provides a forum for teachers, students and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement. Both conferences are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals: to help students demonstrate evidence of learning to teach students the process of reflection and…

Assessment in the PYP

The primary objective of the assessment is to provide student feedback on the learning process.  It identifies what students know, understand, can do, and feel at particular stages of learning.  Teachers take into account the diverse ways individuals construct meaning and apply understandings.  Formative assessment drives future learning, as it…

The Primary Years Programme (PYP)

The   International   Baccalaureate   Primary   Years   Programme   (IB-PYP)   has   been specifically designed for students aged 3 – 11 years. This internationally recognized programme provides students with the opportunity to learn and explore through the use of inquiry, promoting an academically challenging curriculum which fosters international mindedness, making it the ideal curriculum…

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